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2017 Crop of Laura Soybeans NON GMO report
A document from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach of the Herbicide Bioassy Analysis Report. Results show 0% Glufosinante Tolerance, and 0% Glyphosphate Tolerance.

2017 Crop of Laura Soybeans NON GMO report

I am pleased to share that our 2017 NON GMO Laura® Soybeans test results show that we have 100% NONGMO Laura® soybeans.  My routine for testing our soybeans is to take a sample of every wagon that I bring in from the field while it is being transferred to our storage bins.  I then take all the samples and combine them into one sample to be sent to the lab for testing.  In addition, I use qualitative test strips at our farm for additional testing.  My family works very hard to make sure that our soybeans are NONGMO.  We grow our own Laura® bean seeds every year to keep the beans identity preserved and our equipment is only used to harvest NON GMO crops.